I  have been through the destructive effects of being raped and living with domestic violence. I understand the misery you can find yourself living in because of the way those issues can affect your life. Instead of finding the healing grace and mercy of our loving Father, we end up living a life filled with fear, doubt, insecurity and depression.

I know what it’s like to hurt so bad and feel so alone that it seems that suicide is your only way out. I know how it feels to believe that there is so much wrong with you that you could never fit in or relate to other Christians.

I also know the feeling of coming out of that darkness into the glorious light of God’s power and love.
My road to freedom has been a slow, steady process, one step at a time, but always moving towards becoming whole and healed.

Through this it became my passion to help enable other women that have been through similar experiences as mine to find healing and restoration in their lives. I have been leading bible study groups out of my home for the past 10 years to women from abusive backgrounds. Through the opportunity to share and learn in a safe environment I have seen women become liberated from their old way of life and free to become everything God has created them to be.

So my plan is to share my story of the victory I have found through my relationship with the Living God, Jesus Christ.